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Performance Notes
Asymmetrical is a medium-tempo duet for two snare drums. This piece is best suited for high school level percussionists. Rhythmically, Asymmetrical consists of 16th, 1/8th, ¼, ½, and whole notes and rests; ¼ and 1/8th note triplets. Rolls should be felt as 16th notes. Therefore, a roll on an 1/8th note will be a 5-stroke, a roll on a ¼ note will be a 9-stroke and a roll on a ½ note will be a 17-stroke.
Asymmetrical is introduced with trade-offs, in f, between the two snares. This continues through measure 9 with various dynamic levels being introduced. Snares are in unison leading into measure 17. Unison continues to measure 24 with intermittent trade-offs starting at measure 24. At measure 30, players take turns with one player performing a feature part and the other accompanying with a roll. Snares return to unison, from measures 42 through 46, as a segue. Starting at measure 46, the introduction is re-stated. This time, however, the parts are switched. Snare 2 plays what snare 1 played and vice versa. A short unison passage ends the piece.