Don't look now, but your school, church, or community band's holiday concert season is approaching fast! If you're looking for a complete set of percussion ensemble mu...
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Pots, Pans, & Coffee Cans
Pots, Pans & Coffee Cans consists of 3 pieces – Express-O, Combo Platter and Chicken Pot Pie. Each may be performed moderato to allegro. Rhythmically, all three pieces are limited to quarter notes, eighth notes in groups of 2 and 4 and quarter, half and whole rests. All pieces end in unison and each piece contains one additional unison measure, either preceding a new section (Express-O and Combo Platter) or immediately after a new section (Chicken Pot Pie). The majority of these pieces have either a rhythmic interdependence, where the rhythm is broken up among the players for effect, or several different rhythms played simultaneously. All pieces are marked mf for simplicity.