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Mr. Squidwerd
Mr. Squidwerd is a lively and delightful bossa nova flavored work for elementary school students. Written for six players, each representing an arm of that famous octopus "Mr. Squidwerd" from the television show "Sponge Bob Square Pants". The instrumentation calls for Player One to use a Coffee Can or any metal container struck with a metal spoon. This part may also be doubled with a whistle or a single pitch played on a recorder. Player Two plays any wooden instrument. This may be a wood block, claves etc. This part may also be doubled with a different single pitch whistle or a different pitch played on a recorder. Player Three plays a tambourine. Player Four plays a triangle. Player Five plays shakers. This may be any type of bean, rice, or small pellet shaker. Directions are provided on how to make a shaker if so desired. Player Six plays one tom-tom. All of the parts may be performed with multiple players, adding to the flexibility and enjoyment of all the teachers classroom students. The adding of a recorder/recorders or whistles is a nice touch since the character "Mr. Squidwerd" has been known to play the clarinet, and at least once has swallowed a whistle.